Tuesday, March 30, 2010

WOW Monsoon weather!!

Unreal the weather we are having here!! It's really windy and the rain comes down in buckets, then it hails for awhile then rains again. Yesterday it was so windy it blew the back door open!!
Well Belle let gramma get the taxes done (boy was that taxing) LMAO, no pun intended.
Belle is really excited she changed babysitters for the afternoons when she's out of daycare school. Now she's going to her best friend Ambers house, she's totally on cloud nine......lol.
I went to pick her up today after work (we were going for The Chipmuck Squequel) and she had 2 back packs, a sack full of games another huge game board that has 5 games in it plus an extra car seat!! I'm like what do you need all that for I got to carry it to the car in the pouring down rain....arggggg....lol. Well gramma we needed games to play. She can be a pill.
Well tomorrow is bowling again we'll see how week 2 with the new ball goes! I will let you know when I get home tomorrow night.
Off to dream land........have a good one!!!!

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