Tuesday, March 23, 2010

I'm keeping my promise!

Hi to all my family and friends!

I'm going to try hard to keep my promise and post to this blog updates on My Lil Belle.

Belle and her mom are on spring break this week, and being the great mom that she is Kat has kept her busy.....lol

The 1st day off they have baked cupcakes, muffins 2 different kinds. Do you think they are bored....lol. So here they come in the afternoon bringing cupcakes to all the girls at work. Of course Belle decorated them and has a special one for her Poppy (grandpa), she has done one all up in Green and Yellow for his special Ducks....lol, she's too cute.

This morning her mom had a doctors app. so Belle went to work with gamma, she loves helping around the shop. So we walked to the coffee shop and got coffee for poppy and a Cinnamon roll for Belle, of course she wanted to stay and eat it and I needed to get back to answer the phones, so we compromised. She would eat 5 bites there and take the rest back to the shop. Being the smartie that she is she starts adding and subtracting bites, doing this in her head she gets the answers right! She never ceases to amaze me.

We return to shop and price products (this is her favorite job) she loves using the price gun...lol.

What a day she spent 2 hrs. with us at the shop, and never once got bored.

Okay so this is day one of spring break....hmm wonder how many more goodies they will bake this week.... lol. When I have more time I will post pictures and movies. Hope you all enjoy day one of spring break....wonder what day 2 has in store....more to follow.


  1. Ok so I want you all to know I kept my promise but someone had already used my email??? don't get that so it says i'm iceela who the heck is that.... I may change over to my other email so it shows me as gamma will keep you all posted!!

  2. I just know that I'm really gonna enjoy this! It helps to keep us "in touch!" :)

  3. Finally, I can get online to let you know that I am really looking forward to seeing your posts about you, your family - and hear the "Belle" stories!!!
