Sunday, March 28, 2010

Then the week ends

The day is over and it was a fun one. Back to school tomorrow. After swim lessons this morning the weather hit the monsoons again (been doing this off and on all week), lots of rain and we couldn't go for outdoor time.
Pop decided Belle needed a new pair of shoes so he took her shopping while I got my twitter account going.....(have to keep up on racing and stuff lol). They were gone bout two hours. Come home and not only does she have new shoes she has this cool Barbie that came with 3 puppies that you water and they pee on pee pads that change I've seen it all now. So of course she wanted gamma to play with her so we sat on floor for couple hours watching her pups pee....LOL.
She was bushed and went to bed early while her mom was off earning money cleaning the shop. So now gramma is off to bed as she wears me out (not as young as I used to be).
Have a good one!

1 comment:

  1. Oh my gosh, we saw this dog advertised on TV, and we were just cracking up about it! I can't imagine....LOL! By the way, you'll have to take her to SPLASH out in Springfield...she would have a ball!
