Saturday, March 27, 2010


Well little Belle has been a busy girl! She's been off playing with her friends, wearing gramma out with

We've worked on her writing and letters and she's getting real good. When she hits 1st grade she's gonna know it all! I took pictures of her practicing but now have to get a new cord as i've misplaced mine grrrr. So I only have a few pictures on this pc and most are from Christmas.

Today she went for a hike and picnic with her auntie Sarina and uncle John, she really wore herself out and was really tired when she got home. Her mom left to go to store and oh my gosh she threw a fit "I WANT MY MOMMY I WANT MY MOMMY" She was screaming at top of her lungs.......I had to find a way to quiet her so i started tickling her and teasing her that " I see a smile " lol then I grabbed her ankles and dragged her up the stairs she was laughing sooooo hard and wanted me to drag her every Checked on Tiger her cat, which was napping on bed so Belle had to cover him up, then she had me drag her down the stairs and to kitchen so she could have a snack. (I think my back is paying for this one)

So I turned a bad situation around and she was one happy camper after that.

Then pop came home and was mowing all the houses on our block, so Belle got a new project going. She went and collected all the dead snail shells and brought them in and painted them pretty colors! She did an awesome again to follow.

Well this was about all she could handle for the day she was plum tuckered out and went to bed.... me thinks I'm there too.

More on our outing tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. Kesch really worked with her girls to write and read before first grade. It worked well for the kids. I'm all for working with the preschoolers if they are into it...and no doubt that Belle loves the challenge, and is bright enough for it! It's going to be fun to watch her grow up!
