Tuesday, March 23, 2010

2nd day of Spring Break

Good evening all, it's day #2 of Spring Break and today Belle went hiking at the South Slough. When I got home there was a very pretty boquet of wild flowers on the table.....she's so thoughtful....lol.

Right now Belle is outside checking out Poppy's new speakers on the Harley, she just loves to ride, has been since she was about 2 1/2. She's more gutsy than I was the 1st time I got on that loud powerful bike.

So it's a slow day and a little disappointing that the pool is closed all week she really wanted to go swim and take more lessons. Her teacher told us last summer that Belle would be great for her young ones as she learns fast and does well which would help others that aren't so brave.

We actually found out how well she'd learned when we took her fishing up the river. It was a sight, not funny at the time but now is..... She's on the bank and there is a little pool in front of her, she's practicing casting, she loads and throws and plunk the sinker goes straight down, taking Belle right in after it.......now the water is shallow she could stand up but she doesn't know this.....so she holds her breath and comes up swimming, never once does she panic!! I was shocked and said " That's great you did everything right" as i'm pulling her out. Now behind me her mom is freaking out......shhhh KAT she's OK don't scare her.

So that was how we learned just how well she had learned to swim, boy what a champ and she never cried one tear!!

OK so off I go, I'm sure i'll have more for tomorrow. :)

1 comment:

  1. Belle goes fishing? How cool is that...and yes, thank goodness for her swimming lessons! That's awesome!!!!
