Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Wed. Bowling

Wow it's Wed. and my bowling how'd I do with that new ball this week you wonder.......well let me tell
First game starts off and can't find the pocket so I'm like "Great another bad week with the new ball." Then Sandi my team mate say's "Hey move forward a bit and maybe the ball won't dive @ the headpin like it's doing." Hmmmm OK I'll give it a I move forward about 6" and guess what?! STRIKE, yep that's right a strike I got 5 in a row and finished the game with a 213!! Next game was 189 and game 3 wasn't as good but close to my ave. 169. So I think I may have figured out the new ball and the wicked hook it has at the end!! YEAH!!!
More later as I bowl this evening also.......we'll see what tonight has to offer...LOL

Well it's now 10:00 P.M. and home from bowling...........arggggggg not great at all.
I managed to get close to ave. for 2 games and barely get over by 3 pins one game. My new ball has a snap to pins at the end where my old one had a gradual hook to it. So it's going to take some practice to figure this out. Have my work cut out on this one, but I Luv the ball!!!

Night all Happy Bowling!!!

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

WOW Monsoon weather!!

Unreal the weather we are having here!! It's really windy and the rain comes down in buckets, then it hails for awhile then rains again. Yesterday it was so windy it blew the back door open!!
Well Belle let gramma get the taxes done (boy was that taxing) LMAO, no pun intended.
Belle is really excited she changed babysitters for the afternoons when she's out of daycare school. Now she's going to her best friend Ambers house, she's totally on cloud
I went to pick her up today after work (we were going for The Chipmuck Squequel) and she had 2 back packs, a sack full of games another huge game board that has 5 games in it plus an extra car seat!! I'm like what do you need all that for I got to carry it to the car in the pouring down Well gramma we needed games to play. She can be a pill.
Well tomorrow is bowling again we'll see how week 2 with the new ball goes! I will let you know when I get home tomorrow night.
Off to dream land........have a good one!!!!

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Then the week ends

The day is over and it was a fun one. Back to school tomorrow. After swim lessons this morning the weather hit the monsoons again (been doing this off and on all week), lots of rain and we couldn't go for outdoor time.
Pop decided Belle needed a new pair of shoes so he took her shopping while I got my twitter account going.....(have to keep up on racing and stuff lol). They were gone bout two hours. Come home and not only does she have new shoes she has this cool Barbie that came with 3 puppies that you water and they pee on pee pads that change I've seen it all now. So of course she wanted gamma to play with her so we sat on floor for couple hours watching her pups pee....LOL.
She was bushed and went to bed early while her mom was off earning money cleaning the shop. So now gramma is off to bed as she wears me out (not as young as I used to be).
Have a good one!


Well today has started off fun! Little Belle if you can believe this showed her gramma how to use Chop Sticks to eat, she is good ate eggs and never had a problem. Well I'm impressed no way can I do that...LOL.
After breakfast it was time for swim lessons "please gamma go and watch" so I did and got some great shots. This little one is really good. Her instuctor said "She's better than my 1st graders, when she can swim the length of the pool I want her in competition on the swim team," Wow that's all I have to say.
More to come later enjoy the pics of her swimming.

Saturday, March 27, 2010


Well little Belle has been a busy girl! She's been off playing with her friends, wearing gramma out with

We've worked on her writing and letters and she's getting real good. When she hits 1st grade she's gonna know it all! I took pictures of her practicing but now have to get a new cord as i've misplaced mine grrrr. So I only have a few pictures on this pc and most are from Christmas.

Today she went for a hike and picnic with her auntie Sarina and uncle John, she really wore herself out and was really tired when she got home. Her mom left to go to store and oh my gosh she threw a fit "I WANT MY MOMMY I WANT MY MOMMY" She was screaming at top of her lungs.......I had to find a way to quiet her so i started tickling her and teasing her that " I see a smile " lol then I grabbed her ankles and dragged her up the stairs she was laughing sooooo hard and wanted me to drag her every Checked on Tiger her cat, which was napping on bed so Belle had to cover him up, then she had me drag her down the stairs and to kitchen so she could have a snack. (I think my back is paying for this one)

So I turned a bad situation around and she was one happy camper after that.

Then pop came home and was mowing all the houses on our block, so Belle got a new project going. She went and collected all the dead snail shells and brought them in and painted them pretty colors! She did an awesome again to follow.

Well this was about all she could handle for the day she was plum tuckered out and went to bed.... me thinks I'm there too.

More on our outing tomorrow.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010


Good evening, this was a slow day and since gramma bowls didn't see much of my little Belle today.

She got to go off and play with her best friend Amber. They have soooo much fun together.

Gramma got a new bowling ball so I spent the day struggling to understand this new wasn't pretty!!

I'm hoping that tomorrow since I have the full day off I can find the cord to my cell phone and hook it up to pc to download all my pictures. I think I even have one of Belle and Amber together.

So gonna make this short hopefully tomorrows more exciting.

Have a good night everyone

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

2nd day of Spring Break

Good evening all, it's day #2 of Spring Break and today Belle went hiking at the South Slough. When I got home there was a very pretty boquet of wild flowers on the table.....she's so

Right now Belle is outside checking out Poppy's new speakers on the Harley, she just loves to ride, has been since she was about 2 1/2. She's more gutsy than I was the 1st time I got on that loud powerful bike.

So it's a slow day and a little disappointing that the pool is closed all week she really wanted to go swim and take more lessons. Her teacher told us last summer that Belle would be great for her young ones as she learns fast and does well which would help others that aren't so brave.

We actually found out how well she'd learned when we took her fishing up the river. It was a sight, not funny at the time but now is..... She's on the bank and there is a little pool in front of her, she's practicing casting, she loads and throws and plunk the sinker goes straight down, taking Belle right in after the water is shallow she could stand up but she doesn't know she holds her breath and comes up swimming, never once does she panic!! I was shocked and said " That's great you did everything right" as i'm pulling her out. Now behind me her mom is freaking out......shhhh KAT she's OK don't scare her.

So that was how we learned just how well she had learned to swim, boy what a champ and she never cried one tear!!

OK so off I go, I'm sure i'll have more for tomorrow. :)

I'm keeping my promise!

Hi to all my family and friends!

I'm going to try hard to keep my promise and post to this blog updates on My Lil Belle.

Belle and her mom are on spring break this week, and being the great mom that she is Kat has kept her

The 1st day off they have baked cupcakes, muffins 2 different kinds. Do you think they are So here they come in the afternoon bringing cupcakes to all the girls at work. Of course Belle decorated them and has a special one for her Poppy (grandpa), she has done one all up in Green and Yellow for his special, she's too cute.

This morning her mom had a doctors app. so Belle went to work with gamma, she loves helping around the shop. So we walked to the coffee shop and got coffee for poppy and a Cinnamon roll for Belle, of course she wanted to stay and eat it and I needed to get back to answer the phones, so we compromised. She would eat 5 bites there and take the rest back to the shop. Being the smartie that she is she starts adding and subtracting bites, doing this in her head she gets the answers right! She never ceases to amaze me.

We return to shop and price products (this is her favorite job) she loves using the price

What a day she spent 2 hrs. with us at the shop, and never once got bored.

Okay so this is day one of spring break....hmm wonder how many more goodies they will bake this week.... lol. When I have more time I will post pictures and movies. Hope you all enjoy day one of spring break....wonder what day 2 has in store....more to follow.