Sunday, April 4, 2010


What a wierd and wonderful Belle was up all night she kept pop up till about 5:30 this morning, she was so excited bout the Bunny coming!

So she gets up at around 7:30 and goes down to get her Easter Baskets and then I get up and she has to show me all the stuff she got......boy did she get the loot. So her mom and I are trying to keep her quiet so pop can sleep. She's just tooooo dang excited. Around 9 Kat takes her to her auntie's (Sarina's) so she can get the basket they have for her, (John just loves Belle he really wants children), they spoil her something

Pop doesn't even peek his head out till after 11, he's beat. So we get things picked up around house and since Belle's not here we take flowers to Gramma Jean and then we are going out to the beach to check out the waves (got a storm coming in). Belle's going to a friends for an egg hunt so we know they won't be around for awhile.

The beach was awesome and I really wanted to test pictures on my new phone.....they are GR8!!

We get home and Kat has made the Easter dinner of ham, taters, gravy, biscuits and Belle made fruit salad she was soooo happy, and she did a great job of it.

We enjoyed our dinner then Belle hid the eggs for me and pop to hunt....(of course she hunted them too) what's wrong with this she found the most!

Around 8 Andrew stopped by for dinner and we had another egg hunt, Belle hid them and once again she found the most!!! LOL

What a fun day we really enjoyed all of it. I got beautiful flowers also. going to try and put pics and video on here also, then off to bed.



  1. All pictures and videos are compliments of my new BACKFLIP phone from AT&T :) It is awesome!! Listen to the wind on the ocean this was about the time the earthquake hit in Baja CA. 7.2

  2. Oh My! I love the recent posts! The pictures are great. I laughed when I read about your Easter excitement....keeping Stan up til all hours of the night. :)

    The ocean cool.

