Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Beanie Babies

It's Wed. and me and Belle don't see much of each other on this day as she's at daycare and I'm bowling, but tonight we spent some time together before she went to bed playing with her Beanie Babies........thank goodness she only had 48 of them out!!
So we're on the floor grouping all of the species together......Where do we put this Otter Belle.....Gramma that's a it's not it's an Otter.....Gramma it's a Ferret....OK let me read the tag. So she hands it to me and it's not a real beanie so it doesn't say, but I proceed to say "It says I'm an Otter." Gramma it does not......let me tell you there is no fooling that girl so I lost that one!!! LOL
We get them all grouped and I ask Belle to count them. Unreal she counted all 48 correct and proceeded to count to 100!!! Wow she learns soooo fast. I explained to her about a month ago about how 20 is 2 what comes after 2 is 3 so it's 30 and so on....SHE TOTALLY GOT IT AND REMEMBERED!!!
I'm so proud of her she's soooo much fun. So we finished counting and no argument it was time to put them away so I had to make the sounds they make while she pretend stamped each foot before they were put to bed for the night.
Then I had to get up off the floor....ugh that was fun....LOL
So I'm off to bed have a great night all!!

1 comment:

  1. I had a lot of reading to do, and a lot of catching up on Bella's, she is such an funny, entertaining, smart young cutie! She has to keep you smiling until late hours of the night...because I read some of these stories from your blog to Al, and we both laugh and enjoy hearing about her! Thanks for taking the time!!!!
