Friday, April 30, 2010

More Pictures


Well Belle's birthday was a lot of fun!!!. We have her party tomorrow and will have more pictures then. She was so excited about it that she was up at the crack of dawn.......Gamma I feel 5 now!! lol She's just toooo cute. :D

We let her open a couple of her presents in the morning.....she picked them out the night before and set them next to the couch so she would have them right there ready to go at the Crack OF Dawn!!

So she got this real cute Little Kitty Diary......(which she'll use to draw pictures).....but I have to say she's more and more into the writing right now...(which is great)....she went on a field trip on Monday to see the Kindergarten and she was really excited about it!! Ok back to the, then she went to the table and picked out a couple more, next was a cute Elephant that has a tag where you go online and get to name a star!! Also had new sunglasses and hair clips all of which are Princess. (she's really into Disney Princesses right now). Then she picked one that had 2 items hooked together, they were Cue card puzzles bout Dino's....she really likes them and Madagascar Kart for the WII. Now this was just in the

She went and got ready for school and wore the new Blue Dress gamma got her then came home wearing a silk pink skirt that was new a friend gave her!

So after she ate dinner (of her choice) MickyD's :D She opened the rest of her presents which are in the pictures I've included, and we had Ice cream Cake.

The picture of the cake included here is the one Kat made for her party tomorrow....SHE DOES AN AWESOME JOB!! She's so creative now you can see why she did good in the bakery.

OK been a long day and have a party tomorrow so gonna sign off.... more tomorrow!

Saturday, April 24, 2010


Happy Saturday,

Just got home Thur. night and was so glad to see my So yesterday gramma spent some time with Belle, we had a very nice day.

We went for Cocoa and Coffee, then came home and proceeded to wash and wax my car, (lots of yucky bugs to get rid of). She was a big help!!! When we were done she begged me to play SORRY with her......(by her own rules of course) lol. We had a great time and of course Belle won!!!

Later that day Robyn texted that she had a new baby so we waited with baited breath for her to show up so we could see him...OMG he's so cute as you can see by the pictures I uploaded.

Now Belle is just excited about her birthday.....can't believe she's 5 days away from turning "5" wow that has gone by very fast!!!

So today we are going to great gramma's to move her stuff into her new home she bought, then tomorrow we head to Creswell to move the rest of her stuff down. Will get pics of Belle helping with packing and moving :)

More tomorrow night!!
I included a picture of Mt. Shasta I took on the way home Thursday night. Also there is a picture of Tiger (our cat) checking out little Snickers (Robyn's long hair wiener dog).

Wednesday, April 14, 2010


Well it's a new day and Belle never ceases to amaze me. We were sitting out on the patio and she picked up a screw driver and was pretending to write on the steps. She wrote POP, "Gramma is POP how it's spelled?" wow then she wanted to write gramma she said how do you make a g so I showed her, I would spell it and she would write it. She proceeded to write Tiger (cat) Cherrie (dog) and she wanted to know how to spell all of her name (she usually just puts Anna as she has that down) so I told her how and she did them all.
Then we went in the house and got paper and pencil and she wrote them all down.....she is doing a great job. She will be ahead of the class when she gets to Kindergarten next year!!
She was excited cause gramma got her an early birthday present, I brought her home a carrying case that had 8 Littlest Pet Shops in it. So she was pretty happy with me......I know I spoil her rotten, but I leave in the morning for NV. to work.
Anyways it's late and I have a long day tomorrow. ENJOY

Monday, April 12, 2010

More Pictures


WII Carnival Mini Golf

Well gramma hasn't had a lot of time with Belle the last couple days, she is one busy girl!!!
There have been a couple of funny things she's done and some cute pics.
Her mom rented WII Miniature Golf for her and I to play and Belle wanted to play also. Well this is a great one for hand eye coordination so we figure hey sure. Well by the time they all got ready to play I was busy doing something else so I let them play and just went in to watch every once in a while. WELL let me tell you I was surprised when I went in Like 10 mins. later and BELLE is beating her mom!!!! Yes that's right she's winning and she's very good at this guess what gamma's getting her for her birthday this month....yep this
She's such a card there are a couple of cute pics of her and her Tiger, she's so in love with that cat. Then I added some other pics just for fun. I probably won't have much to say the next week as I leave this week for work in Reno. So enjoy the pictures!!

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Beanie Babies

It's Wed. and me and Belle don't see much of each other on this day as she's at daycare and I'm bowling, but tonight we spent some time together before she went to bed playing with her Beanie Babies........thank goodness she only had 48 of them out!!
So we're on the floor grouping all of the species together......Where do we put this Otter Belle.....Gramma that's a it's not it's an Otter.....Gramma it's a Ferret....OK let me read the tag. So she hands it to me and it's not a real beanie so it doesn't say, but I proceed to say "It says I'm an Otter." Gramma it does not......let me tell you there is no fooling that girl so I lost that one!!! LOL
We get them all grouped and I ask Belle to count them. Unreal she counted all 48 correct and proceeded to count to 100!!! Wow she learns soooo fast. I explained to her about a month ago about how 20 is 2 what comes after 2 is 3 so it's 30 and so on....SHE TOTALLY GOT IT AND REMEMBERED!!!
I'm so proud of her she's soooo much fun. So we finished counting and no argument it was time to put them away so I had to make the sounds they make while she pretend stamped each foot before they were put to bed for the night.
Then I had to get up off the floor....ugh that was fun....LOL
So I'm off to bed have a great night all!!

Sunday, April 4, 2010


What a wierd and wonderful Belle was up all night she kept pop up till about 5:30 this morning, she was so excited bout the Bunny coming!

So she gets up at around 7:30 and goes down to get her Easter Baskets and then I get up and she has to show me all the stuff she got......boy did she get the loot. So her mom and I are trying to keep her quiet so pop can sleep. She's just tooooo dang excited. Around 9 Kat takes her to her auntie's (Sarina's) so she can get the basket they have for her, (John just loves Belle he really wants children), they spoil her something

Pop doesn't even peek his head out till after 11, he's beat. So we get things picked up around house and since Belle's not here we take flowers to Gramma Jean and then we are going out to the beach to check out the waves (got a storm coming in). Belle's going to a friends for an egg hunt so we know they won't be around for awhile.

The beach was awesome and I really wanted to test pictures on my new phone.....they are GR8!!

We get home and Kat has made the Easter dinner of ham, taters, gravy, biscuits and Belle made fruit salad she was soooo happy, and she did a great job of it.

We enjoyed our dinner then Belle hid the eggs for me and pop to hunt....(of course she hunted them too) what's wrong with this she found the most!

Around 8 Andrew stopped by for dinner and we had another egg hunt, Belle hid them and once again she found the most!!! LOL

What a fun day we really enjoyed all of it. I got beautiful flowers also. going to try and put pics and video on here also, then off to bed.


Saturday, April 3, 2010


Well BELLES off hunting eggs will have pics later.....she's too funny, "I want to sleep in not Going", Then when it's about to start she wants to what a card. She's got a busy day, going to a swim party....she luvs to swim.
Her mom is going to lunch and a movie today so Belle's with me for part of the day. I think this is only her mom's 2nd date since Belle's been to say "Kat's an awesome mom!" Belle is her life and she's really stuck with the putting her 1st!!
Hoping my Migraine gets better before babysitting dang it's tuff when you hurt.
So it's many hrs later head still hurts...arggg, but Belle had a gr8 day!! She got 12 eggs (filled with candy) just what she needed! She went to the pool party was gone for 3 hrs came home very cranky.....we were going to go get gramma Jean a lily but she needed a nap. I didn't realize it was 7 when she went to sleep so she"s gonna be out till the Easter Bunny gets here!! LOL so more 2 come tomorrow.
She's still out and it's after midnight......the Bunny has come so I'm off to bed got a couple pics but can't figure out how to get them off the new phone!!! Will work on that tomorrow and take some myself these were texted to me from her mom.