Sunday, May 30, 2010

More Pictures

More Pictures

Blacklock Memorial Weekend 2010

Hello hello it's been awhile and I have some cute things that Belle has done!! She actually watched American Idol with me for the Final and oh it was soooo sad. When they were doing the Bon Voyage for Simon she started sobbing (she was tired) I asked her why she was crying and she says "Gramma I Love Him!!" I said Simon, "yes gramma I don't want him to leave I Love Him!! " LOL OMG what do you say to that! Nothing I said would calm her down.

Then just a few days ago when she wasn't feeling very well she wanted to take a shower to wake up. When she got done she's like Gramma Gramma go look see what I I go trudging up the stairs to look and she's cleaned the whole inside of the shower shelves included!! I was shocked!! 5 years old and doing things like this on her own....she's a champ!!!

As you can see there are pictures.....Belle helped decorate my cake..... and all the others are of our day to the beach via Blacklock....was a fun tiring day.....(she's napping right now).

Hope you enjoy will be back with more in the days to come!! :)

Saturday, May 8, 2010


So we had a sunny cool day today and Annabelle was out working with pop weeding and such.....when all of a sudden I hear her say "Gamma I want to sell flowers." Hmmmm OK. So she's picked flowers from various places and has them in her hand standing on the corner by pop.....but no one knows what she's doing.

So she comes in the house makes signs and gamma puts up her table & chairs and we sit out there holding up the sign every time a car goes by. As you can see by the ones on the table they aren't the best but hey she's only 5. She's getting depressed cause no one has bought any flowers from her........and she said NO mom and me couldn't buy them had to be strangers!!! LOL

So I sneak in the house and call Meme (Robyn) and tell her the story, so she and Ryo are going to come by and buy some of her flowers. In the mean time we get a taker!!!! A young guy and his wife stop and give her a $1.00 for 5 little flowers!!! LOL They were so nice. Then Robin shows and gives her a $1.00 and then a friend of hers and her dad stops and buys some for $1.00...... So for a little 5 yr old she has made her 1st $3.00 and it was all her idea.......oh boy watch out world cause here comes Belle!!!! :)
Notice the detail on her sign....she did this all herself she even made arrows pointing to where she was. The only thing she got wrong was making the W an M.....I'm so proud of her